Monday, April 16, 2012

We were reading books after I got home from work today. She was listening very carefully and would follow the book if I moved it. I am going to teach her to love books.


Chandra said...

So proud of you for reading to her so soon. She will love books just like her mommy does.

Grant Kellie said...

Love it.

Deanna/Mimi said...

This is a great picture. You better believe she will talk sooner, have a great imagination, and her own talents and skills will be developed. What a blessed little girl she is to have parents who care, who love, who teach.

Stacie Lou said...

Oo and you are so good at reading books! Remember when you introduced me to The Monster at the End of this Book book in our D&C class? Magical. I can't wait for Henry to get excited about turning the pages of that one.