Friday, April 27, 2012

Claire came on our field trip to Miss Morgan's farm!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!

I like how the horse doesn't want to be left out of the photo. lol :)

Blessings to you and your family.

P.S. I was just blogging through and stumbled upon your blog ... Cheers!

Deanna/Mimi said...

There is a strong resemblance in this picture of Claire and me when I was 6 months old. I have not seen it in other pictures, but this one I do. Especially the shape of the head, the forehead, eyes. You are so good to take this little one out into the world so she can see all its wonders. I appreciate all the pictures you take. You are just glowing Carolyn. Motherhood is such a wonderful calling. I already know that you are a great mother and will continue to be. Love,Mimi

Stacie Lou said...

Wow! It is a horse! Claire is so lucky her mom is a cool, non-silly teacher that can take her on fun field trips.

Chandra said...

Grandpa Jackson would be so happy to know that you are already introducing her to the mules. This one looks like Pike. I love that you introduce Claire to so many new things. She is always learning something.